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2024.01.31 포스트 (댓글 포함)

하이 하이~
보고싶었다 ㅎㅎ










🌹: せかいで いちばん あいしてる!!🩷ましゅー!はやくあいたい!!
🦊: とても あいたい

🌹: 오빠! 오늘은 나의 20살 생일인데 Message주세요🥺💗
     20살도 오빠랑 같이 행복하고 좋은 시간 보낼 수 있다면 좋겠다🌸
🦊: 헐~ 생일 축하 해 누리 치카 ❤️ 오늘 행복 한 하루 보내고 맛있는거 많이 먹고 항상 사랑한다, love you

🌹: ♥️🤎 ♥️🤎 ♥️🤎 ♥️🤎

     It's the current iPhone case🫶
     Isn't it cute?ㅋㅋㅋ

     The MC was very nice.
     My Matthew, as expected!

     Love you🫶

     I'm a Japanese girl friend.

     Remember my name!
     ♥️🤎 ♥️🤎 ♥️🤎 ♥️🤎
🦊: かわいい✨

🌹: 완전 애기네 ㅋㅋ 비니튜 알라뷰❤️
🦊: 아기 아니야 🥲

🌹: 매튜오늘도화이팅♥ !!!
🦊: ㅎㅎㅎ 고마워~ 너도 화이팅! 😘

🌹: ましゅ
     だいすき ずっと だいすき です( ; ; )
🦊: 앜 わたしも だいすき💕

🌹: 매튜야 요즘 공부가 너무 힘들고 다 내려놓고 싶은데 응원메시지 하나 해주면 안 돼..??ㅜㅜㅜ🩵🩵
🦊: 앙... 힘들수 있지, 우리 다 사람인데 근데 너는 할 수 있어. 나는 너를 믿어 💗 항상 사랑한다

🌹: 나 건담 보러갔어 매튜생각난당
🦊: 앜 이런거 보고 나를 생각 하니까 너무 귀엽네, 나를 웃게 해줘서 고마워 ☺️

🌹: Matthew〜 🔆 I have a feeling that you, the most precious and loving person in the world, will be a very happy day today in your dreams🎶🎀🦊
     Thank you so much for always cheering me up because you are my sunshine🌻💟
     I will do my best at work to help Matthew💯
     Let's do our best together🤙🏻💫
🦊: Thank YOU for being my sunshine, I love you always ❤️



🌹: went to take my valentine's date to the cinema
🦊: yeah I remember, we held hands :)

🌹: Unfortunately, I didn't perform well in my recent exams at university, and it's really getting me down.
     I really love what I'm studying, but the challenge is maintaining consistency when I have to juggle work to make ends meet. It's mentally exhausting, and I find it difficult to keep up with my studies.

     I'm not entirely sure why I'm sharing this with you, but I've found comfort in expressing my feelings here during tough times. Your music and presence have been a source of inspiration for me❤️

     If you have any advice or words of encouragement on how to navigate through these tough times, I would truly appreciate it.

     Thank you for being a constant inspiration🫂🤍
🦊: it's okay to feel down, we're all human so feeling down is just a part of life, What matters is how you move forward! The fact that your pushing through even when it's hard is so cool. Your MY inspiration, things will get better ❤️
love you always ~ Matt

🌹: 매튜우 보고싶었어 !
🦊: ㅎㅎㅎ 나도 많이 보고싶었어~~~

🌹: 私たちやっと会えることが決まったよ!
🦊: 우리 만날수 있으니까 너무 좋아아아~
       나중에 꼭 보자 🤙だいすき ❤️
